Mycoplasma Removal Agent (MC-210)
Mycoplasma Removal Agent(MC-210) for Tissue Culture
Mycoplasma species are very common contaminants of cell cultures. The symptoms of mycoplasma infection include changes in the pH of cell media, changes in cell morphology and unusually high cell mortality. Even if levels of mycoplasma infection is low, it will produce unreliable results in tissue culture experiment because cell growth, metabolism and protein synthesis are altered. MC-210 can completely remove mycoplasma within a week of its addition to infected cell cultures. Cell biologist and other researchers who use the MC-210 will enjoy mycoplasma-free cell cultures.
- Easy to Use
Just add into cell culture for a final concentration of 0.5μg/mL and incubate the cultures for a week. - Non-toxic to Cells and User
MC-210 is non-toxic to both cells and user, and will not interfere with the viability of function of cells in culture. - Clears Contamination in 1 week.
MC-210 can completely remove mycoplasma within a week of its addition to infected cell cultures. - Effective against many types of mycoplasma
MC-210 is a specific quinolone-derived antibiotic that strong combative activity against many types of mycoplasma including Mycoplasma orale, M.arginini, M.hyorhinis and Acholeplasma laidlawii.